Lankin Investments is a seasoned multifamily operator with over 15 years of experience and an active portfolio of $1 billion in assets under management.

Lankin Investments

The 150 Hughson Limited Partnership offers you the chance to participate in the acquisition, enhancement, and sale of a 56-unit multifamily rental building. This value-add program includes interior suite renovations and a focus on reducing operational costs.  Complete the form to request more information.

Track Record

Lankin Investments has established itself as a leader in multifamily value add real estate investment in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). With total acquisitions over $200M, the average hold period is 2 years, average value increase is 53% and average NOI increase is 136%. Lankin’s management expertise has driven meaningful performance and investor returns.

Interested in learning more about Lankin

Key Highlights

  • 14% p.a preferred return
  • Target return 14-18% p.a
  • Tax structure flows losses to limited partners each year
  • Profit taxed as capital gain
  • Investment period of 3 years
  • Accredited Investors ONLY
  • Minimum subscription of $50,000.
  • Closing May 31, 2024

Integrated-Equities Inc: Access To Private Real Estate Investments

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Integrated Equities Inc. (“IE”) is an Exempt Market Dealer registered in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.  The information contained herein are directed to residents of those jurisdictions only and are not intended to be directed to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such marketing is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to provide such marketing.

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Important information about the Funds described in this site are contained in their respective Offering Documents, which should be read carefully before investing.