Greybrook - Meadow Springs

About Greybrook Realty Partners

Greybrook Realty Partners is a leading real estate private equity firm that applies an active and sophisticated approach to the management of its portfolio to achieve maximum risk-adjusted returns for more than 10,000 individual and institutional investors worldwide.

Investment Highlights

Integrated-Equities Inc. is proud to offer investors an opportunity to invest in Greybrook’s newest US multi-family value add apartment community, Meadow Springs.

Opportunity to invest in the acquisition and repositioning of two property portfolio consisting of 456-unit garden-style apartment communities located in College Park, Clayton County south of the City of Atlanta, Georgia.

Greybrook intends to reposition the asset over a projected four-year hold period by executing a value-add program to significantly increase the asset’s gross and net operating income.

Projected Time Horizon: 4 years

Projected Total Returns: 17.5% annualized returns

Projected Cash Flow: 4.75% in year one, 5.00% in year two, 5.25% in year three, and 5.50% in year four

Eligibility: Accredited Investors, Cash Only

Track Record

The Greybrook Team

Interested in learning more about Greybrook - Meadow Springs

Integrated-Equities Inc. is proud to offer investors an opportunity to invest in Greybrook’s newest US multi-family value add apartment community, Meadow Springs.  Fill out the form to be sent more info.


Integrated-Equities Inc: Access To Private Real Estate Investments

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