My Blog

September 15th 2024

With the release of the Federal Budget 2024, Canadian builders and developers stand at the threshold of major opportunities in the housing and infrastructure sectors. This budget offers transformative policies aimed at…

October 30th 2023

Finding reliable and lucrative real estate investment opportunities can be a challenging task. However, Revesco Properties Trust, with its commitment to excellence and innovation…

October 16th 2023

In the current climate, there’s a compelling argument for investing in real estate. It acts as a reliable safeguard against inflation; there is a robust demand; and a significant shortage. 

October 4th 2023

Alternative investments are essential for a balanced portfolio. More and more investors are shifting to alternatives to boost returns, generate income, provide…

September 22nd 2023

Independent due diligence is the process of conducting an independent, unbiased investigation of a real estate property or development project in order to evaluate its potential…

August 10th 2023​

RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) is a savings plan in Canada that provides tax benefits for retirement savings.  You save paying taxes today when you are in a higher income bracket…

July 30th 2023

Public securities are securities that are available for purchase by anyone and are traded on a public market such as a stock exchange. Examples include stocks and bonds issued by publicly traded…

July 13th 2023

The exempt market provides investors with the opportunity to invest in private companies in various sectors; these include real estate, mortgage companies, private REITs…

July 1st 2023

Some characteristics of a good financial advisor include: They are registered and compliant with relevant regulations, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the…

June 17th 2023

A real estate fund trust is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to acquire and manage one or more real estate properties. The properties can include…

June 3rd 2023

An exempt market dealer (EMD) is a type of securities dealer that is registered with securities regulatory authorities and is authorized to sell securities that are not traded on…

May 20th 2023

The best choice between an RRSP and a TFSA depends on your individual financial situation, investment goals, and tax situation. Seeking the advice of a financial advisor can also…

May 5th 2023

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in real estate assets. REITs are structured as trusts…

April 23rd 2023

A limited partnership is a type of business structure in which two or more partners join together to run a business. In a limited partnership, there are two types of partners…

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Integrated Equities Inc. (“IE”) is an Exempt Market Dealer registered in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.  The information contained herein are directed to residents of those jurisdictions only and are not intended to be directed to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such marketing is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to provide such marketing.

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Important information about the Funds described in this site are contained in their respective Offering Documents, which should be read carefully before investing.